As one of only 44 public Waldorf-inspired schools in the entire United States, and the sole School of Choice in the LVUSD district, we need you to reach our goal of $190,000 to make our Mariposa curriculum possible!
What Does Annual Giving Pay For?
Your tax deductible gift of $750 per child allows Mariposa to provide the following:
Gardening program teaching staff and supplies
Physical Education teaching staff (Grades 1-5)
Spanish teaching Staff and materials
NEW THIS YEAR: Music teaching staff and materials for 1st-8th grade!
Waldorf Teacher Training and Curriculum
All School Supplies
Natural, high-quality Art Materials
Handwork Curriculum Staff and Materials
Alliance for Public Waldorf Education Membership
Campus Beautification Projects
Library Needs and more!
Your gift may be made in a one-time payment or monthly installments spread across the school year. Thank you for helping us keep the Mariposa dream alive and growing!
Pro Tip: Payment plans are available and customizable! Any payment plan initiated by October 6th (and totals in a full donation by the end of its duration) will receive a bag, a Yeti and entries in the drawings. Start your plan today!